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If you would like to refer a child to us for provision on one of our programmes, please email a fully completed referral form to the relevant members of staff (on the bottom of the form).

Schools and parents will be invited to an Induction meeting before commencing provision.  We feel it is very important to a student's success on our programmes that schools, students and parents visit prior to starting with us.  Students will not be accepted onto our programmes if all parties do not engage with us.

For our On Course programme we will visit the school and student ourselves.  Schools are very welcome to visit The Forum, in Kidlington, if you have not referred a student to us previously.

Meadowbrook College is an AP Academy managed by Radcliffe Academy which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales with registered company number 9334026 and its registered address at Raymund Road, Marston, Oxford OX3 0PG