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Exam Success!

In 2023/24 we had 34 learners taking examinations.

  • 100% of students attained at least 1 GCSE or equivalent qualification compared to the latest national average of 50.3%

  • 26% of students left Meadowbrook with 5 A*-G/9-1 CGSEs or equivalent qualifications which match the national average. 

  • 100% of our students achieved an English qualification

  • 70% of our students achieved a Mathematics qualification

  • There were 6 Level 2 passes. 

  • Art & Design students achieved 100% pass rate with 5 students achieving a Grade 6 and 1 student achieving a Grade 9 in Photography

  • VTCT Hair & Beauty students achieved some amazing results with 90% rate at Level 1 and 2 

  • Construction BTEC, Hospitality BTEC, Digital Media BTEC and NCFE Music Technology all saw a 100% pass rate. Sports BTEC saw a 90% pass rate.

We are very proud of the achievements of our students on their courses.  We have seen some excellent individual grade passes too. The majority of those qualifications are achieved within one year of study.

July 2021

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Meadowbrook College is an AP Academy managed by Radcliffe Academy which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales with registered company number 9334026 and its registered address at Raymund Road, Marston, Oxford OX3 0PG